A partnership company is a business entity where at least two individuals or entities come together to operate under a common name, sharing joint and unlimited liability for any debts or obligations. This model is widely used in family businesses and small enterprises, offering benefits such as ease of management, trust among partners, and easier […]
Setting up a representative office of a foreign trader in Vietnam is an important step for businesses looking to explore the local market or strengthen their presence in the region. However, the process requires adherence to specific conditions, submission of required documents, and compliance with the relevant legal procedures. This article outlines the key steps […]
Establishing a branch or a representative office of a foreign trader in Vietnam can be a strategic move for expanding business operations. However, the process involves meeting specific conditions, preparing a detailed dossier, and following a set procedure to ensure full compliance with Vietnamese regulations. This article provides an overview of these key steps, offering […]
1. Registration dossier for a joint stock company Pursuant to Article 22 of the Enterprise Law, the business owner submit a set of documents to the Business Registration Office where the head office is intended, including: 1. A written request for enterprise registration. 2. Company charter. 3. List of founding shareholders; list of shareholders being […]
Step 1: Prepare information and documents to establish a joint stock company Before starting to prepare documents to establish a new company, the business owner and members need to sit down together to discuss and fully determine the information related to the establishment of the company, including: Step 2: Draft and complete the dossier for […]